MEETS Sundays @ 6:30 PM


(grades 6-8)

When we look at the world around us, it doesn't take long to realize that having good relationships with people is extremely important. Sixth through eighth graders are at a critical point in their young lives. They are learning how to effectively relate to others. This is an important skill that needs to be developed and shaped. Jesus is the perfect model to use as a standard for teaching relational skills.

WHAT We Teach

We teach the Bible. From it we learn about how Jesus lived, how He interacted with other people, and how He wants us to relate with Him.

HOW We Teach

Our class each week consists of a practical lesson combined with fun and games. While Bible reading is a part of each session, we use activities that are designed to emphasize key lesson ideas and values. Activities include dramas, skits, and games. And while the lessons have important, life-long impact, the methods are fun and exciting, and no two lessons are alike!

WHY We Teach

We have no greater purpose than to teach young people about the love of our heavenly Father and His son, Jesus Christ. While learning about relationships with people is important, to develop a life-long relationship with Jesus is the most important lesson of all.


(grades 9-12)

The old saying "children are our future", is definitely true. At Crosspointe, we believe that God desires to build strong relationships with our students through the teachings of His son Jesus. 

WHAT We Teach

We discuss topics relevant to their lives such as what's right and wrong, their self-worth, what is their purpose, how being popular isn't the most important thing in the world, forgiving others and themselves, telling the truth, the teachings of Jesus, and the stories of other Biblical heroes. We always use scripture as we teach, plus, we always have fun, playing some crazy game that relates to the lesson. And sometimes, we just play a crazy game, just for the sake of having fun. It's so important that kids in grades 7-12 develop relationships with other Christian kids and discover the truth revealed in the Bible. They also need to learn that being a Christian is FUN! You don't need to drink and do drugs to have fun, because being a Christian is the best and the happiest way to live!

WHY We Teach

Today's teenagers are tomorrow's adults. Right now, they are developing habits that will last a lifetime. Right now, they are choosing to do what's right or what's wrong. So, right now, we want to help them choose what's right. Because if they do, they will avoid the pitfalls we made as teenagers, the pitfalls that caused us so much pain. We want them to have happy, successful lives here on this earth, with as few problems as possible, and an even happier life forever in heaven. Isn't that what every loving parent wants for their children?